Results for 'M. A. Winstanley'

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  1.  43
    Determinants of Non-paid Task Division in Gay-, Lesbian-, and Heterosexual-Parent Families With Infants Conceived Using Artificial Reproductive Techniques.Loes Van Rijn - Van Gelderen, Kate Ellis-Davies, Marijke Huijzer-Engbrenghof, Terrence D. Jorgensen, Martine Gross, Alice Winstanley, Berengere Rubio, Olivier Vecho, Michael E. Lamb & Henny M. W. Bos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:515593.
    Background: The division of non-paid labor in heterosexual parents in the West is usually still gender-based, with mothers taking on the majority of direct caregiving responsibilities. However, in same-sex couples, gender cannot be the deciding factor. Inspired by Feinberg’s ecological model of co-parenting, this study investigated whether infant temperament, parent factors (biological relatedness to child, psychological adjustment, parenting stress, and work status), and partner relationship quality explained how first-time gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parents divided labor (childcare and family decision-making) when (...)
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    (1 other version)Approaches to child labour in the supply chain.Diana Winstanley, Joanna Clark & Helena Leeson - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (3):210–223.
    This paper examines the difficulties of dealing with child labour in the supply chain. It begins by identifying a number of the factors which make global supply chains so difficult to manage. It goes on to outline a framework of different approaches that can be taken to managing the supply chain with relation to child labour, moving from national and international regulation, through to the role of NGOs and the companies themselves. Focusing on an ‘engagement’ strategy for dealing with child (...)
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    (1 other version)Alluring Ideas: Cherry Picking Policy from Around the World.Carrie Winstanley - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):516-531.
    A common feature of contemporary policymaking is the sharing and adaptation of policies from other countries. As neo-liberal globalisation continues to impact on the development of policy, such practices are increasingly commonplace. This article considers the current phenomenon of ‘policy borrowing’ with reference to the use of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the 2010 Schools White Paper The Importance of Teaching. The article also traces the origins of policy borrowing and shows what philosophy of education (...)
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    Deep thinking and high ceilings: Using philosophy to challenge ‘more able’ pupils.Carrie Winstanley - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (1):111-133.
    At different times in their school career and across different subject areas, some pupils may require additional and/or more complex tasks from their teachers, since they find the work set to be insufficiently challenging. Recommendations for coping with these pupils’ needs are varied, but among other responses, it is common, in the field of ‘gifted and talented’ education, to advocate the use of critical thinking programmes. These can be very effective in providing the missing challenge through helping develop pupils’ facilities (...)
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    On the Existence of Conformally Coupled Scalar Field Hair for Black Holes in (Anti-)de Sitter Space.Elizabeth Winstanley - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (1):111-143.
    The Einstein-conformally coupled scalar field system is studied in the presence of a cosmological constant. We consider a massless or massive scalar field with no additional self-interaction, and spherically symmetric black hole geometries. When the cosmological constant is positive, no scalar hair can exist and the only solution is the Schwarzschild–de Sitter black hole. When the cosmological constant is negative, stable scalar field hair exists provided the mass of the scalar field is not too large.
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    (1 other version)The Agenda for Ethics in Human Resource Management.Edmund Heery, Jean Woodall & Diana Winstanley - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (4):187-194.
    In April this year a Conference on Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management was held at the Management School, Imperial College, London, and jointly sponsored by the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) and the UK Chapter of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN‐UK). We are indebted to the organisers of the Conference, Dr Diana Winstanley, Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Imperial College Management School, Dr Jean Woodall, Reader in Human Resource Management at Kingston Business School, and (...)
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  7. For or Against Corporate Identity? Personification and the Problem of Moral Agency.Ian Ashman & Diana Winstanley - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):83-95.
    This article explores the concept of corporate identity from a moral perspective. In it we argue that the reification and personification involved in attributing an identity to an organization has moral repercussions. Through a discussion of 'intentionality' we suggest that it is philosophically problematic to treat an abstraction of the corporation as possessing identity or acting as a conscious moral agent. The article moves to consider practical and ethical issues in the areas of organizational commitment, of health and safety, and (...)
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    Philosophy for Teachers – developing new teachers’ applied ethical decision-making.Janet Orchard, Ruth Heilbronn & Carrie Winstanley - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (1):42-54.
    Teaching, irrespective of its geographical location, is fundamentally a relational practice in which unique ethically complex situations arise to which teachers need to respond at different levels of ethical decision-making. These range from ‘big’ abstract questions about whether or not what they teach is inherently good, through to seemingly trivial questions about everyday issues, for example whether or not it is right to silence children in classrooms. Hence, alongside a wide range of pedagogical skills, new teachers also need to develop (...)
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  9.  32
    Philosophy in Schools.Michael Hand & Carrie Winstanley (eds.) - 2008 - London: Continuum.
    A collection of original philosophical essays that together make a robust case for the teaching of philosophy in schools. >.
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  10.  9
    Education, philosophy and well-being: new perspectives on the work of John White.Judith Suissa, Carrie Winstanley & Roger Marples (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    John White is one of the leading philosophers of education currently working in the Anglophone world. Since first joining the London Institute of Education in 1965, he has made significant contributions to the landscape of the discipline through his teaching, research and numerous publications. His academic work encompasses a broad range of rich philosophical issues, ranging from questions surrounding the child's mind, through the moral and pedagogical obligations of teachers and schools, to local and national questions of educational policy. In (...)
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  11.  43
    Issues of Diversity in the Globalisation of Competencies: A Study in a Global Mining Company.James Ward & Diana Winstanley - 2000 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 19 (3):139-159.
  12.  27
    Towards a Human Centred Organisation.Diana Winstanley & Jean Woodall - 2000 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 19 (3):3-12.
  13.  41
    Philosophy in Schools – By M. Hand & C. Winstanley.Leon Benade - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (7):808-811.
  14.  18
    Winstanley et les Diggers.François Matheron - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):69-94.
    The Diggers, or yet the « true levellers », appropriation of the parochial terrain of the St George’s Hill close to London, might be considered, in the midst of the English revolution, as the proclamation of a constituer power in action. Theorist of this adventure, Gerard Winstanley has left behind him a singular oeuvre in the constellation of« biblical communisms ». Animated by harsh inner tensions, molded by an archaism indissociable from its modernity, it constitutes, at the same time, (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools. By M. Hand and C. Winstanley, C. (eds). [REVIEW]Mary Healy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (1):167-169.
    London/New York, Continuum, 2008. Pp. 194.Pbk. £24.99.
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    Chronic Care Team Profile: a brief tool to measure the structure and function of chronic care teams in general practice.Judith G. Proudfoot, Tanya Bubner, Cheryl Amoroso, Edward Swan, Christine Holton, Julie Winstanley, Justin Beilby & Mark F. Harris - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):692-698.
  17. and PH Hutton.M. Foucault - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
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  18. In LH Martin, H. Gutman & PH Hutton.M. Foucault - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
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  19.  56
    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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  20.  45
    On the narrative form of simulations.M. Norton Wise - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 62:74-85.
  21. Some Philosophical Aspects of Particle Physics.M. L. G. Redhead - 1980 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 11 (4):279.
    The paper is concerned with explaining some of the principal theoretical developments in elementary particle physics and discussing the associated methodological problems both in respect of heuristics and appraisal. Particular reference is made to relativistic quantum field theory, renormalization, Feynman diagram techniques, the analytic S-matrix and the Chew — Frautschi bootstrap.
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  22. Dilemmas of ideology.M. Billig - 1988 - In Michael Billig, Ideological dilemmas: a social psychology of everyday thinking. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. pp. 25--42.
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  23.  47
    Eclipse of reading: On the “philosophical turn” in American sinology.Eske Møllgaard - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (2):321-340.
  24.  27
    Classical New York: Discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham ed. by Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew M. McGowan.Bruce M. King - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (2):236-238.
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  25. Unifying Themes in the Oeuvre of John M. Headley.James M. Weiss - 2013 - In Peter Iver Kaufman, From the Renaissance to the modern world: a tribute to John M. Headley. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI.
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    Why the “stimulus-error” did not go away.M. Chirimuuta - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:33-42.
  27. Justice and restitution in African political thought.M. B. Ramose - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
  28. The social and the cognitive: Resources for the sociology of scientific knowledge.M. Nicolson - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (2):347-369.
  29.  35
    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and Popular (...)
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  30. The "Socratic secret": the postscript to the Philosophical crumbs.M. Jamie Ferreira - 2010 - In Rick Anthony Furtak, Kierkegaard's 'Concluding Unscientific Postscript': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  31. The struggle for reason.M. B. Ramose - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 1992.
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  32. "It goes deep with me" : Plato's Charmides on knowledge, self-knowledge, and integrity.M. M. McCabe - 2011 - In Christopher Cordner, Philosophy, Ethics and a Common Humanity: Essays in Honour of Raimond Gaita. New York: Routledge.
  33. Toward the neurobiology of consciousness: Using brain imaging and anesthesia to investigate the anatomy of consciousness.M. T. Alkire, R. J. Haier & H. F. James - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  34. Kierkegaard and Murdoch on knowledge of the good.M. G. Piety - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell, Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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  35. The epistemology of the Postscript.M. G. Piety - 2010 - In Rick Anthony Furtak, Kierkegaard's 'Concluding Unscientific Postscript': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  36.  52
    Epistimologi paradigma Dan revolusi ilmu pengetahuan Thomas Kuhn.M. Dwi Rahman Sahbana - 2022 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 8 (1):31-48.
    Thomas Kuhn dengan konsep revolusi ilmiahnya memiliki karakteristik pemikiran dan model filsafat baru dalam hal sejarah lahirnya ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat sains serta peranan sejarah ilmu pengetahuan dalam mengkonstruksi ataupun merekonstruksi munculnya ilmu pengetahuan baru. Bagi Thomas Kuhn sejarah ilmu pengetahuan merupakan starting point dalam mengkaji permasalahan fundamental dalam epistemologi keilmuan karena sains pada dasarnya selalu ditandai dengan kuatnya paradigma serta revolusi ilmiah setelahnya. Fase inilah yang diistilahkan Thomas Kuhn sebagai fase sejarah lahirnya ilmu pengetahuan baru, dimulai dengan normal science, (...)
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  37. This Matter of Abortion.M. Feldman David - 1995 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman, Contemporary Jewish ethics and morality: a reader. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 382.
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  38. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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  39. Comparing music, comparing musicology.M. Clayton - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge.
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  40. The neoplatonism of Marius victorinus the Christian.M. T. Clark - 1981 - In A. H. Armstrong, H. J. Blumenthal & R. A. Markus, Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong. London: Variorum Publications.
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  41.  24
    Realism and simplicity in the Castle-East debate on the stability of the hereditary units: rhetorical devices versus substantive methodology.M. Vicedo - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (2):201.
  42. Globalization and the politics of world music.M. Stokes - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge. pp. 297.
  43.  22
    Aristotelianism and Scholasticism in Early Modern Philosophy THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN RETRACTED.M. W. F. Stone - 2002 - In Steven M. Nadler, A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 7–24.
    This chapter contains section titled: I Aristotle and Early Modern Philosophy II Medieval Thought in Early Modern Scholasticism III The Philosophical Textbook IV Conclusions.
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    Religious Orders.M. Michèle Mulchahey & Timothy B. Noone - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 45–54.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Medieval monasticism and learning The Dominicans The Franciscans Conclusion.
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    Lokalitas, Islamisitas dan Globalitas : Tafsir Falsafi dalam Pengembangan Pemikiran Peradaban Islam.M. Amin Abdullah - 2012 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 2 (2):329.
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  46. The SEARCH neonatal sepsis study: was it ethical.M. Angell - 2007 - In James V. Lavery, Ethical issues in international biomedical research: a casebook. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 114--116.
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  47. Filtration processes and internal erosion in dams of broadly graded material.M. Bartsch - 1995 - A Critical Review. Report 3013.
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  48. Combining work and motherhood: Is utopia becoming true?M. H. J. Bekker - 1997 - In Alkeline van Lenning, Marrie Bekker & Ine Vanwesenbeeck, Feminist utopias in a postmodern era. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press. pp. 66--80.
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  49. Perspectivas arqueo-geológicas do Projeto Central. Nota prévia.M. C. Beltrão, E. M. R. Toth, S. M. N. Neme & M. P. R. Fonseca - 1984 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 6:15-26.
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  50. Representation in natural and artificial agents.M. Bickhard - 1999 - In Edwina Taborsky, Semiosis, Evolution, Energy: Towards a Reconceptualization of the Sign. Shaker Verlag. pp. 15--26.
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